Operations Trainings

Operational excellence is of utmost importance in terms of managing competition in the global market of today. As a result of globalization, technology, equipment and other accoutrements lack to be sufficient to ensure success in competition. The only way to ensure sustainable competitive advantage is to facilitate the use of all means at hand through effective management processes by the optimum set of workforce. Operational excellence aims to achieve impeccability by successful process designs and recruitment of competent employees.

For a very long time, operational excellence has been a corner stone for many companies that seek to become competitive and even protagonists of the market. As a result, a number of methods have been developed and still are being compiled.

Adapting the methods that are proven to be successful on a world wide scale to the unique corporate culture and requirements of a specific company has been as of priority for us at Cube Communications. Various trainings and consulting services, including two of the most successful models YALIN ÜRETİM and TPM, are provided on improvement and excellence models are provided in line with the corporate culture, HR structure and necessities.

TPM Awareness
TPM trainings are scheduled in line with requirements of the company and the profile of the participants. Training program covers the following topics; definition and objectives of TPM, application of TPM, general information on TPM features and structures. These trainings vary in duration from half a day to 2 days.

Lean Thinking / Lean Production
The main objective of this training program is to train the participants on the fundamental philosophy of Lean Thinking by questioning the client concept, values and the client-value relation. The intended outcome of this program is elevating the knowledge of the participants so that they can question the value they add to the client’s perception of the company. These trainings vary in duration from half a day to 2 days.

Value Stream Mapping
If the client’s perspective is understood and the value to be added is defined, the next step should be to question the means used in order to create such value. DEĞER AKIŞ HARİTALAMA training and workshops provide participants with adequate tools to aid in defining the reasons and underlying causes for shortcomings of value by analyzing the timelines and quality of means used and flow of information.

Creating Continuous Flow
Creating Continuous Flow trainings are offered to tackle any shortcomings defined during the above mentioned training programs and to design a flawless process.

Visual Factory and 5S
Stopping at a red light and driving when the light turns green are two of the most common decisions everybody makes on a daily basis. If we were to spend an extra nanosecond on these two, the rates of traffic collisions would be extremely higher than what it is today.

Same timing applies to the corporate world. Operators, engineers, executives, CEOs make numerous decisions every single day. One of the 3 main principles that have a strong effect on competition has always been timing. Visual factory and 5s trainings provides knowledge on the most effective tools to aid in rapid and right decision making considering all levels of employment from executives to the operators on the field.

The intended outcome of this program is to ensure that participants possess the ability to design the visual tools regarding their responsibilities in an efficient and more importantly correct manner.

Autonomous Maintenance (Jishu Hozen)
One of the most widely used sentences in the business world for years is "The one who does, know the most". So, can we benefit from our operators who know the most in a way that they can put their knowledge to good use? The Autonomous Maintenance lectures not only develop the knowledge and skills of the people responsible for the work systematically and teach them their jobs, they also aim to teach the participants the necessary steps to follow to coach operators who develop and improve their work.

"Kaizen" is a word meaning "Improving towards the best" in Japanese and represents constant improvement in business operations. Kaizen trainings are designed to give the employees the necessary skills to make systematical and permanent improvements. The training consists of the methods of producing quick solutions to simple problems in the field through the Kaizen method and applying the 10 step Kobetsu-Kaizen methodology against periodic problems.

SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
One of the main forces of competition is to increase product variety and while doing that, reducing the response time for the customer. This is only possible with a flexible production system. One of the most important conditions for a flexible production system is to shorten the turnback time between products. SMED trainings are designed to give the participants the basic principles and techniques that need to be applied to analyze and improve the problems that occur in model turnovers.

PM Analysis
Periodic malfunctions are one the most pressing issues for maintenance engineers. PM Analysis training is designed for engineers who have committed to solving the problems from the very core. It drives its fundamentals from laws of physics and has proven to be very successful in aiding for the determination of the underlying causes of malfunctions when applied correctly.

QM and QA Matrix Preparation
The main topic discussed at Quality Management and Quality Assurance trainings and workshops state the definition and ensure the existence of perfect conditions sustainable excellence.