Hatice Savas
Hatice Savas, commenced her professional carrier in 1997 at Beko Electronics and has had various roles within the organization focused on continious improvement and operational efficiency until 2006. During her first assignment as a TPM (Total Productive Management) engineer, she has coordinated the first internal Kaizen applications. Later during her carrier in Beko, she has led the application team for International Award for TPM Excellence Category A and as a result the company has been awarded the very first TPM award in Turkey. Later on she has conducted the first applications of Lean Production tools such as value stream mapping and Kanban.
Appointed as the TPM team leader in 2004, Hatice has coordinated the improvements on internal TPM application scope, annual TPM activity planning, management of TPM project teams (Autonomous maintenance, Planned maintenance, 5S, Quality Maintenance and other TPM pillars), assignment and assessment of TPM Key Performance Indicators and targets, establishment and management of Kaizen award and incentive system and the improvement activities regarding internal blue collar training mechanisms.
Since 2007, Hatice has provided a number of businesses from various industries, including but not limited to automotive, FMCG, retail, print and packaging with lean production, TPM, process improvement training and consultancy.